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This 6-part training presented by Region IV provided an in-depth study of the latest book by Bambrick-Santoyo. I implemented my learning right away and in each case, I saw tremendous student ownership of learning and a stream-lined approach to feedback that was directly correlated to student success in mastering the content standards. This training was put to use in on-campus training sessions for the entire staff both in the Fall and the Spring semesters, and teachers were invited to observe my class as I modeled the strategies.


In my role of Professional Learning Lead, I consolidated recent professional development topics into a concise refresher course. In our 90-minute sessions, teachers developed learning intentions and success criteria, determined the LI/SC alignment to rigor, designed learning experiences with embedded language supports, and created a Success Criteria Student-Checklist all centered a favorite dish or playing a sport. This allowed teachers to engage in a different way leaving them refreshed to develop a new content-based lesson using the same components.


During the FBISD Summer 2019 conference, I presented a session on Project Based Learning. Using Dr. Laurie Westphal's books Differentiating Instruction with Menus, I shared student exemplar's and menus across content areas targeting K-12. Whether it was Dr. Westphal's menus or my own creations, I highlighted five newer technology implementations that hooked my 7th graders last year: the dodecahedron with WeVideo tutorial, an online newspaper, creating a website,, and creating a WeVideo. Participants were inspired by the numerous student exemplars I had displayed around the room. The session was well received resulting in 30/60 participants signing up for my digitally-shared resources.


After 8 years of mentoring new teachers, I have stepped up to lay-leadership within our TAPP program in the district. During the 2023-2024 school year, I've gotten the chance to present 90-minute lessons to mentor teachers about evidence-based feedback cycles with their mentees. These sessions provide opportunities for mentors to connect with one another and add to their teacher-tool boxes based on the best practices shared during these sessions. Co-presenting also provides opportunities to work with other, likeminded, individuals who seek to improve the local mentorship program.

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